
Troncones Beach Real Estate Services


Real Estate Properties in Troncones (Zihuatanejo), Guerrero, Mexico



The United States of Mexico, Central America, is a vast span of colourful landscapes, long expanse of coastal beaches, with the Sierra Madre mountain range cutting through 800 miles of rugged terrain.

The population of 130 million people who cover this cultural land are welcoming and beautiful in all ways, with fine cuisine and music to match.

After the 1910 Revolution, lasting about seven years most of large fincas were divided into Ejidos: large land parcels which were owned collectively by many different people—often groups of families—who had the right to work the land, usually for growing crops and raising livestock. Large swathes of Ejido land continue to exist today. There is a legal process to ‘convert’ Ejidos to legally-titled property processed through the Agrarian Reforma which now allows foreigners to purchase through a fideicomiso or bank trust if you are within 50 kilometers of the coast.

When purchasing one of these properties there are services provided by Coastal Title Search for your convenience. They include the following:

1. Examination of title fee: 100 dollars.

2. Certify property that it is free and clear of liens at the State and County Department of Public Records fee: 250 dollars.

3. Certify that no property taxes or utility bills are owed fee: 100 dollars.

4. Obtain an appraisal on the property by a licensed appraiser fee: depending on size and location of property starting at 250 dollars plus expenses.

5. Certification from department of Urban planning fee: depending on property location and size starting at 250 dollars plus expenses.

6. Legally transfer title, pay the applicable taxes, and register the title change in the Department of Public Records fee: closing costs depend on price of sale, for example a foreigner a with trust the closing costs are approximately 8000 dollars for 100,000 dollar property. Mexican nationals closing cost approximately 4500 dollars for 100,000 dollar property.

Title records in Mexico are subject to a myriad number of mistakes due to the archaic system for records control. State, federal and municipal governments often have missing data in the title records. There are six distinct forms of “title” ownership in Mexico.

The law requires foreigners to hold coastal property in a trust (bank trust). Commercial use of land by foreigners can be purchased as “fee simple” in a 100% foreign owned Mexican Corporation.

The bank trust called Fideicomiso is a legal instrument that enables foreigners to comply with the laws restricting fee simple title ownership of Mexican coastal properties. The Mexican bank merely acts as a fiduciary and has no responsibility to assure the title it holds in trust is not in jeopardy due to errors in departments of planning and property registry and or litigation. These can be easily verified by our services. Feel free to contact us at


Coastal Title Search

Title Search for Real Estate Properties

755 558 4696